Time for a really boring post, it’s about postage functionality. So actually, it might not be too boring for you our (potential and actual) customers.
Online shopping systems, it seems, tend to be optimised for the US. This is understandable, many of the systems are built in the US for the huge number of US shoppers. We get that, but this leaves international sites in the lurch a bit. Especially when it comes to calculating postage.
The postage services of every country have their own particular quirks and Australia Post is no different. Our postage service just does not fit the US model. In the past it has meant that there is a lot fo manual setting up of the shipping settings on this website. No matter how hard we tried we were never quite able to get the postage that appeared on our site to match what Australia Post wanted to charge. Not only that the charges keep changing, usually once a year but sometimes more.
Finally, however, we have a plugin that directly accesses the Australia Post pricing. So now when you place an order what you will see is what will appear on the stamp, as it were, and not some number that we essentially made-up as we tried to get our shopping cart system give accurate info. (We’ll absorb the cost of packaging and handling into the item cost.)
The changes to the postage apply to all the items currently available, including our prime product Ligature Journal.
So that’s it. A boring post about postage functionality changes at Tiliqua Press. So why not jump over to the shop have have a look at what we have to offer.