Hey there. We have created an animated flick through of Ligature Journal issue 6, touch.
While it is impossible to truly convey the superior tactility of the issue, especially the letterpress cover, at least you can have a quick squiz at the wonderful articles inside. There is writing from Jodie Richards, Ruth Kirkland, Annette Lodge, Jane Connory, Eliza McAlister, Andrew Barnum, John Lucas, Elin Matilda Andersson, Lisa Molloy, Stefan Lie, Lissa Barnum, Steve Woods and Arthur Koutoulas. The issue was designed by Anne Vu, Rosie Cass, Jordan Demetriou, Isabella Baratti and Jess Tran. Once again we have our regular items; ‘The Question’, an Emerging Designer and the Invisible Designer (actually two this time and they are truly invisible). With this issue we introduce a new and soon to be regular item The Project, but you’ll have to get a copy to find out about this one.
The flick through will give you a 40 second or so look at every beautifully designed page of the issue—showreel style. We hope it will wet your appetite for a copy. After you’ve had a look hop back to the Tiliqua Press store and order a copy and we’ll send it to you, along with any others that peek your interest.
Be sure to keep an eye out for new flick throughs as we release them in conjunction with future issues.
While you’re there why not have a look at the claymation film 100,000B.S. which was created in conjunction with issue one.