Hey there. You might have noticed we’ve been creating flick through videos for all of our published issues, it’s a great way for you to get a little sneak peek at what’s inside!
Each animation will give you a 40 second look at every page of the beautiful design of an issue—showreel style. it is true that the issues date back to December 2015 (issue zero), however the articles are pretty timeless – they are not going to date. We hope these animations will wet your appetite for an issue or two, or three, or four … Then hop back and order the issues that peek your interest. We also offer packs of back issues if you want to get several issues. You can also subscribe to future issues.
Jump over to our YouTube channel to have a look. Be sure to keep an eye out for future flick throughs as we release them in conjunction with new issues.
While you’re there why not have a look at the claymation film 100,000B.S. which was created in conjunction with issue one.